– Services –

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Podcast Editing

- starts at $450/episode, packages available -

  • Editing

    Whether you just need filler words and long pauses removed or have a specific list of changes, I can handle it.

  • Noise reduction + Processing

    I use a large suite of plug-ins that can make your podcast sound great! I’ve been working on remote recordings since before 2020.

  • Feed Upload

    I will upload the final .mp3 at proper standards to your host (LibSyn, Blubrry, etc.) if you would rather not mess with it.

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audio consulting

- $100/hour -

  • Technology Assessment

    Not sure what kind of microphone you need or looking to upgrade your current setup? I can provide recommendations at all price points.

  • Production Assessment

    I can help you figure out how to edit smarter or faster if you’re a DIY podcaster looking to up your game.

  • New Show or Project Concept

    If you have an idea for a new show or audio project and want some pro perspective on how it might be executed, I would love to speak with you.


Illustration by Jessica Hayworth

allyson M. Holley

Allyson is a sound artist with a degree in audio engineering and music production, multi-instrumentalist, marketer, brander, and social media strategist.